The Registration Portal is officially closed.
Please click the below button for both in-person and virtual registrations

In-Person Attendance | ||||||
5-Day Pass | ||||||
Descriptions | Standard Fee | Late Fee | ||||
SGD | #Approx USD |
SGD | #Approx USD |
SGD | #Approx USD |
High/upper-middle income country regular delegate | S$1,400 | $1,005 | ||||
Low/lower-middle income country regular delegate | S$850 | $610 | ||||
High/upper-middle income country student ^ | S$550 | $395 | ||||
Low/lower-middle income country student ^ | S$400 | $290 |
Day Pass | ||||
Standard Fee | Late Fee | |||
SGD | #Approx USD |
SGD | #Approx USD |
Day pass | S$300 | $216 |
Virtual Attendance | ||
SGD | #Approx USD |
Online attending delegates (high/upper-middle-income country) | S$500 | $360 |
Online attending delegates (low/lower-middle income country) | S$350 | $250 |
In-Person Attendance | ||||
5-Day Pass | ||||
Descriptions | ||||
SGD | #Approx USD |
High/upper-middle income country regular delegate | ||||
Low/lower-middle income country regular delegate | ||||
High/upper-middle income country student ^ | ||||
Low/lower-middle income country student ^ |
Descriptions | Standard Fee | |
SGD | #Approx USD |
High/upper-middle income country regular delegate | S$1,200 | $860 |
Low/lower-middle income country regular delegate | S$650 | $465 |
High/upper-middle income country student ^ | S$450 | $325 |
Low/lower-middle income country student ^ | S$300 | $215 |
Descriptions | Late Fee | |
SGD | #Approx USD |
High/upper-middle income country regular delegate | S$1,400 | $1,005 |
Low/lower-middle income country regular delegate | S$850 | $610 |
High/upper-middle income country student ^ | S$550 | $395 |
Low/lower-middle income country student ^ | S$400 | $290 |
Day Pass | ||||||
Descriptions | SGD | #Approx USD |
Day pass (Standard Fee) | S$250 | $180 | ||||
Day pass (Late Fee) | S$300 | $216 | ||||
Virtual Attendance | ||||||
Descriptions | SGD | #Approx USD |
Online attending delegates (high/upper-middle-income country) | S$500 | $360 | ||||
Online attending delegates (low/lower-middle income country) | S$350 | $250 |
^ Registration fees are adjusted downward on 13/07/2022 due to generous sponsorships put forward for the Congress by our sponsors. For any queries please contact us at
^ # Registration fees will be charged in Singapore Dollars (SGD).The USD registration fees shown above are for reference only. The actual amount will be based on the bank's prevailing conversion rate at the time of payment.
^ Congress Fellowships are available for student abstract winners. More information will be provided in due course.
Registration Categories
Delegate | Scientists, researchers, policymakers, clinicians, ecologists, epidemiologists and other professionals with relevant background |
* High and Upper Middle Income Countries | Please click here to view the listed countries in this category |
** Low and Lower Middle Income Countries | Please click here to view the listed countries in this category. Anyone who is practising in one of the countries is included in the eligible countries list. You are not eligible if you are originally from one of these countries but now practising elsewhere |
*** Student | Anyone who is enrolled in a tertiary institution. Your registration must be accompanied by a letter from your head of department or supervisor confirming your eligibility |
Registration and Payment Deadline:
Descriptions | Deadlines |
Early Bird Registration and Payment (In-person) | 31 July 2022 |
Early-Bird Registration for Presenting Authors | 30 September 2022 |
Standard Registration (in-person) Extended | 07 October 2022 |
Standard Registration (virtual only) | 28 October 2022 |
Late Registration (in-person) | 28 October 2022 |
Terms & Conditions for WOHC 2022 Scholarship Application:
- Delegates may apply for the scholarship as part of the registration process, in which case payment will be deferred until the scholarship assessment has taken place.
- The following applicant groups will be given scholarship preference:
- Those who have abstracts accepted for oral/poster presentations. Abstracts for oral/poster presentations must be submitted online to the Congress Secretariat by Monday, 15 August 2022.
- Those that have registered for the full-day conference.
- Students/trainees (Bachelors, Masters, PhD) with proof of current enrolment in an education program.
- Applicants who are nationals of and residing in low and middle-income countries (click World Bank List for low income or lower-Middle income)
Terms & Conditions for WOHC 2022 BRCCH Travel Fellowships:
If you would like to apply for the BRCCH Travel Fellowship, please select the "BRCCH Travel Fellowship" option when you register for the Congress.
The Botnar Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH) provides 3 travel fellowships to students or early-career scientists residing in low- and middle-income countries aiming to attend the 7th World One Health Congress (WOHC 2022).
Read more about the BRCCH Travel Fellowships.
Terms & Conditions for WOHC 2022 CEPI Global South Travel Award:
If you would like to apply for the CEPI Global South Travel Award, please select the " CEPI Global South Travel Award " option when you register for the Congress.
CEPI will provide travel awards to delegates from low- and middle-income countries aiming to attend the 7th World One Health Congress (WOHC 2022).
Read more about the CEPI.
Conditions for payment by credit card, local cheque and telegraphic transfer:
- All registrations must be fully paid in Singapore Dollars (SGD) based on the procedures stated below.
- All payments paid by credit card MUST be made online.
- All local cheques or telegraphic transfers (WIRED) should be made payable to "Ace-SingHealth WOHC 2022" in Singapore Dollars (SGD).
- For local cheque or telegraphic transfers (WIRED):
- Please indicate the registrant's name on the back of the local cheque before sending it to the WOHC 2022: Organising Secretariat
- Please indicate the registrant's name on the front of the Telegraphic Transfer (WIRED) advice after payment has been made and either email or mail the advice to the WOHC 2022: Organising Secretariat
c/o Ace: Daytons Direct (International) Pte Ltd 2 Leng Kee Road #04-01 Thye Hong Centre Singapore 159086 Tel: (65) 6379 5262 (admin) / Email: |
- Payment Transaction Charge & Goods and Services Tax (GST). SingHealth GST Registration No: M90368910N & the UEN No: 200002698Z.
- For payment made by credit card, the bank transaction charge of 5% is exclusive to the rate as shown above.
- For payment made from a foreign bank outward Telegraphic Transfer (WIRED), the delegate must include a bank transaction charge of SGD50.00 (per transaction) in the total amount payable to Ace-SingHealth WOHC 2022. If there is a shortfall because you did not add the transaction charge, you will need to settle the outstanding amount before your registration is considered complete.
- The above fees are subject to the prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST), currently charged at 7%.
- Please refer to the above table for registration and payment deadline
Bank Details
Bank Name | DBS Bank Ltd |
Bank Address | 12 Marina Boulevard, Level 45, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982 |
Account Name | Ace-SingHealth WOHC 2022 |
Account No | 006-900-354-5 |
Bank Code | 7171 |
Branch Code | 006 |
Swift Code | DBSSSGSGXXX |
How to Register
- The WOHC 2022 will be held on 7-11 November 2022, 08:00 – 18:00 hours Singapore Time (GMT+ 08:00). Parties interested in attending the virtual component will need to confirm the suitability of their corresponding time zone before registering for the virtual component. To check your time zone:
- All delegates are required to register their attendance online via the website. Registration will also be available on-site.
Registration Fees (for Delegate)
All delegates are required to pay the Full WOHC 2022 Registration Fee (in Singapore Dollars). Delegates will be entitled to the following:
- In-Person Component
- Full Delegate for WOHC 2022 (In-Person)
- Name badge and e-programme
- Admission to all WOHC 2022 sessions and the exhibition hall at the WOHC 2022
- Invitation to the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
- Accompanying person (In-Person)
- Name Badge
- Admission to the exhibition hall only
- Invitation to the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
- Full Delegate for WOHC 2022 (In-Person)
- Virtual Component
- Full Delegate for WOHC 2022 (Virtual)
- Access password to all scientific sessions, poster area, and the exhibition hall for WOHC 2022
- Access to the recorded talks for one month after the WOHC 2022
- Full Delegate for WOHC 2022 (Virtual)
Confirmation of Registration
- Once the bank has cleared the payment, you will receive a confirmation and an official receipt via email.
- You may log into your registered portal to print out your receipt and invoice or check your registration status.
- Nearer to the WOHC 2022 date, you will receive a Welcome Letter via email.
Cancellations and Refunds
- Please note cancellations/refunds of successfully purchased event registrations will not be possible.
Replacement of Delegates
- After paying the registration fees, however, the following flexibilities can be given:
- For participants who have completed payment of the registration fees but find themselves unable to attend or unable to attend in the capacity they have registered for, the following options will be available:
- Change of participant name is allowed (ie another delegate can attend in place of the original person)
- Changing to join the WOHC 2022 as an online attendee is allowed. In addition to his participation as an online attendee, the participant will also be allowed to appoint a second participant at no additional cost.
- For participants who purchased tickets to attend online, a change of participant name is allowed in the event they are unable to attend.
- For participants who originally purchased tickets to attend online but later wished to convert to join the physical WOHC 2022, this can be allowed as long as the exchange takes place before the standard in-person registration deadline. The participant will need to top up the registration fees.
- For participants who have completed payment of the registration fees but find themselves unable to attend or unable to attend in the capacity they have registered for, the following options will be available:
- All replacement requests must be sent in writing by email to the Organising Secretariat at before 31st August 2022. It is the responsibility of the delegate to ensure that the Organising Secretariat has received the written request.
The official language of the WOHC 2022 is English, and no simultaneous interpretations will be available.
Letter of Invitation for Delegates
- Delegates who require a letter of invitation to attend the WOHC 2022 should write to the Organising Secretariat. Please note that a letter of invitation should not be considered an official invitation covering fees and other expenses.
- We will issue a letter of invitation to delegates upon receipt of full payment.
Data Protection and Sharing of Contact Details
Respecting and keeping your data safe is of utmost importance to us. Please be assured that if your personal data is collected, use or disclosed for the organisation and execution of WOHC 2022, we will protect it as required under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and other relevant legislation.
In addition, the WOHC 2022 Organiser and its Organising Secretariat will periodically send e-mailers to all delegates regarding activities at the WOHC 2022 or other communications which may be of interest, unless otherwise explicitly indicated by the delegate on the registration form.
Suppose a delegate has opted to receive newsletters/e-mailers, he/she can opt out at any time by clicking the “Unsubscribe” option. Please note by opting out, information and updates about WOHC 2022 will not be sent to the delegate, and it is the duty and responsibility of the delegate to check the website regularly for updates.
For more information on how we collect, use and/or disclose your personal data, please visit
Whilst every attempt will be made to ensure that all aspects of the WOHC 2022 stated on the website will take place as scheduled, the WOHC 2022 Organising Committee and SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute (SDGHI) reserve the right to make changes should the need arise.